Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Meet Lola Kate Houston!

I am FINALLY getting around to updating my blog since precious little Lola's birth! I have come to realize that being a mom means less and less time for things like social networking, but life is filled with so much joy and happiness it is unexplainable!

As you may know, I never made it to week 39, because my water broke at 38 weeks, 5 days! SURPRISE!!! My experience during labor/delivery was honestly amazing, and had I known it would have been that awesome, I would never have worried as much as I did. So for all you expectant mom's out there, or those who ever plan to be, fear NOT and get excited, because as far as I'm concerned, there is no better thing than bringing a child into this world and becoming a parent. My heart is so, so full.

I will blog about my full labor & delivery experience when I can find another few free minutes, but in the meantime.... MEET LOLA KATE HOUSTON!

Lola Kate Houston
Born 3/24/2011 at 12:59 am
7 lbs., 3 0z.
21 1/4 inches long


  1. She is perfect!!! Congrats again to you and your little family :)

  2. Annie! She's beautiful! Congratulations! I am so unbelievably happy for you!

  3. Congratulations Houston family!! What a sweet picture of your little girl!

  4. Yay! Congrats! I love how serious her face looks... you can already tell she's a smartie, which is great since she'll have to help those Aggie Chi O's keep up the #1 in Grades tradition 18 years from now :)

  5. Love her!!! I am with you on the labor/delivery thing! All three of my experiences were the best three moments of my life and just were euphoric to me! So glad you got to experience that miracle of bringing life into this world! Cant wait to see more pictures! Let's do a play date with Ange when she's a little bit bigger!:)

  6. Congrats Annie!!!! Lola is PRECIOUS!!!! And she is so lucky to have you as her mom. Enjoy every minute sweet one!!
