Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lola :: 2 Months old!

Sweet Lola Kate is 2 months old today! My, my how time flies. Life is filled with so much joy right now I can hardly take it. Lola is the sweetest little girl with such a happy and content disposition. I love this about her, obviously. She is so easy to bring with me places because she rarely cries and will either sleep or sit contentedly. THANK YOU LOLA!!! Mommy really appreciates this!! In fact, I love bringing her with me wherever I go (not like I really have a choice) because she is like my best new little buddy. Just a joy to be with!

This month was AWESOME because she started smiling and sleeping even better than last month! Starting at about 5 weeks she began sleeping from 10 or 11pm to 6 or 7 am, and sometimes even 8am! This has made me an even happier mom! And around 6 weeks she started smiling at me a couple times a day, and now it happens many times throughout the day. It completely melts my heart every. single. time.

Lola isn't on a strict schedule, but typically she eats every 3 hours beginning from when she wakes up (6 or 7am), has a little awake time after she eats, and then takes a nap until her next feeding. During her awake times we do a lot of talking/smiling, taking baths, tummy time, running errands, going for walks, and chilling in the swing! She also really likes to take naps in her swing, although I am working on getting her to take better naps in her crib. She is still sleeping at night in her bassinet in our room, although I plan to move her to her crib soon. But to be honest, I just don't want to! Even though she isn't waking up in the middle of the night anymore, I still LOVE just knowing that she is sleeping right next to me. I hate the thought of her being at the other end of the house! Stupid, right?! Well, that's the life of a mom--completely obsessed with our little ones! I really do not like being away from her. I never knew I could love a baby this much, but it is truly an indescribable love. It's the best!

Now our feeding times have been a bit more of a challenge. If only Lola was as good at her feeding times as her sleeping times! But I mean, there's always got to be one area that's a bit of a challenge. It can't all be perfect! Although I am glad to say that we're starting to get a system down that's working and is much faster than it used to be. And now she is weighing right around 9 lbs 2 oz. She is still a peanut, but at least she's a growing peanut!

Here is precious Lola at 2 months:

We love you so much baby girl!! You are the light of our lives.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lola meets Lola.

Lola Kate Houston got to meet her namesake, Lola Jean Sanford (my grandmother on my mom's side), a few days after she was born. I have always known since I was a young girl that when and if I had a daughter, I wanted to name her Lola. I think the name is beautiful in general, but it is even more special when the name has significance. And the original Lola has a lot of significance in my life, as she has been around for pretty much every major (and minor) event in my life. She has been an awesome grandmother to me my whole life, and I am so happy to now have my own Lola to carry on her legacy.

Also-- it is no secret that I am super close to my mom, and have unknowingly followed in her footsteps in so many ways throughout my life. There have been so many times when we have compared stories about our lives and realized we ended up doing the exact same thing in countless situations. So anyways, the other day my mom and I were talking, and we all of the sudden realized (yes, we're slow) that we BOTH named our daughters after our grandmothers! I was named after her dad's mom, Annie, and my daughter is named after my mom's mom, Lola! Craziness!

Here are some photos of Lola and Lola's first meeting:

Monday, May 2, 2011