This month was AWESOME because she started smiling and sleeping even better than last month! Starting at about 5 weeks she began sleeping from 10 or 11pm to 6 or 7 am, and sometimes even 8am! This has made me an even happier mom! And around 6 weeks she started smiling at me a couple times a day, and now it happens many times throughout the day. It completely melts my heart every. single. time.
Lola isn't on a strict schedule, but typically she eats every 3 hours beginning from when she wakes up (6 or 7am), has a little awake time after she eats, and then takes a nap until her next feeding. During her awake times we do a lot of talking/smiling, taking baths, tummy time, running errands, going for walks, and chilling in the swing! She also really likes to take naps in her swing, although I am working on getting her to take better naps in her crib. She is still sleeping at night in her bassinet in our room, although I plan to move her to her crib soon. But to be honest, I just don't want to! Even though she isn't waking up in the middle of the night anymore, I still LOVE just knowing that she is sleeping right next to me. I hate the thought of her being at the other end of the house! Stupid, right?! Well, that's the life of a mom--completely obsessed with our little ones! I really do not like being away from her. I never knew I could love a baby this much, but it is truly an indescribable love. It's the best!
Now our feeding times have been a bit more of a challenge. If only Lola was as good at her feeding times as her sleeping times! But I mean, there's always got to be one area that's a bit of a challenge. It can't all be perfect! Although I am glad to say that we're starting to get a system down that's working and is much faster than it used to be. And now she is weighing right around 9 lbs 2 oz. She is still a peanut, but at least she's a growing peanut!
Here is precious Lola at 2 months:
We love you so much baby girl!! You are the light of our lives.