Monday, February 27, 2012

::11 Months::

11 months and as cute as ever! It is hard to believe that in one month I will have a 1 year old. WHAT. Goodbye babyhood, hello toddlerhood! I am so excited for all the cool things this year will bring for Lola. And I get so excited thinking about all the things we can do together this summer: swimming, trips to the zoo, the aquarium, kids museums, etc.! Even though I could do all these things now with a baby, it just seems like so much more fun with a TODDLER!

So anyways, here are our 11 month photo-shoot pics. Have I mentioned that taking these pics are definitely a two-man job??

This was our last pic because, as you can see, we finally just let her do what she wanted to do all along: crumple up that sign!

So this month was probably one of the harder months at the beginning, but ended up being another happy one! We had some nap-time/sleeping troubles throughout the month that ended up being due to 2 new teeth, but when you're in the moment, and sleep-deprived, it's hard to understand what is going on and trusting that it is just a phase! But thank goodness it was.

Here are some highlights from the month:

-- Like I mentioned, Lola cut 2 new teeth this month, for a total of 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth

-- She is doing AMAZING with table food, and hasn't had baby food in almost a month! I have LOVED the transition to table food because it has given me a little more free time and given her some independence, especially when eating out. It used to be such a struggle getting her to sit still at restaurants and it was a very stressful experience, but now eating in the highchair keeps her busy and happy, so it is a good experience for all!

--Lola is doing great with walking too, and has taken up to 16 steps in a row by herself! She cracks me up because she is so brave and not afraid of falling at all. I think that is why she started walking so early--lots of courage!

--Recently she learned how to stand up on her own without using the help of a table, or couch, etc. That was a big one to me! Such a big girl!

--We had some nap time woes this month. She started not taking her 2nd nap (which was fun for me, ha), and so I thought maybe she was just ready to make the transition to one nap a day really early. So we tried one week of one nap a day and it just wasn't working. So we went back to 2 naps and she is doing perfectly! Hallelujah! Her lack of sleeping (also in the middle of the night) was due to her new teeth, like I said before, but at the time I just wasn't sure! So I am happy to say that she is still taking two 1.5 hour naps a day.

--Lola's new favorite word this month is "light". She is constantly pointing to the light and saying "iiiiight". It's so cute:). And right after she says it she blows the light on and off (like blowing out a candle) which is something I did with her a few times, and she picked it up! Little sponge!

--She also really likes ducks this month, and even says "duck" sometimes. We went to White Rock Lake to see the ducks last week and she loved it!

Ok, that is enough with the words, here are some cutie pictures of her this month!

Enjoying some sunshine on our driveway in her pink car walker!

Look at my teeth!

I had to post this pic because she does this nose-scrunching thing all the time. Too funny!

Finally a family pic! I've got to be better about taking these!

Lola Kate, you are our JOY and we love you more than anything! Can't wait to celebrate your 1st birthday next month!